





Name: Mendes
ID # A149870
Estimated Age: 4 years
Sex: Neutered Male
Estimated Breed: Chihuahua Mix
Weight: 22.2 lbs.
Good with Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: No
Good with Children: Yes
Special/Medical Needs:
Estimated Energy Level: Low/Medium
Current Location: Edmonton, AB.
Adoption Fee: $650

Mendes is an absolute delight to have around. He is cute, cuddly, and smart.
He is a medium energy dog. At the beginning of his walks, he likes to walk quickly, but is happy to stroll slowly if necessary. Sometimes he will pull on his leash if he sees other animals or people that catch his attention. I abruptly found out that he is interested in chasing Rabbits. I have been training him using distract, redirect, and treat. By using this technique, he is learning to ignore other people and dogs on our walks. He also enjoys short jogs/runs and I have used treats be to get him to jump over obstacles. If someone wanted to, I am sure he would love to do some agility training as he is highly “treat” motivated. Tricks he currently knows are sit, stay, lay down, shake a paw, and we are working on find. He does not know how to play with toys but loves to look for the treats we hide and have him search for.

Mendes is an eating machine, he gets excited when he knows it is mealtime, but he will sit and wait to eat his kibble until you indicate he can eat. You can say he is very food motivated. He also loves chewing on Bully sticks which we are using to try to decrease his separation anxiety.

Mendes can be a little messy when he drinks. He leaves a trail of water drops when he’s done. He doesn’t mind if you wipe his chin. He also drools at times, mostly when he goes on his walks. This may be due to his overbite.

Mendes has not chewed anything he is not supposed to, nor has he done anything he’s not supposed to. He is house trained and has not had any bathroom incidence in the house.

Mendes has been friendly with most people we have met on our walks but has barked at others. His reaction to people is not consistent. The same goes for other dogs. It is not clear how he would do in a home with other dogs, cats, or children as his exposure to them has been limited.

Mendes sleeps in his dog bed in the foster mom’s room which is upstairs. However, Mendes does not go upstairs or jump on furniture unless invited up by one of his people.

Due to separation anxiety, Mendes will bark and whine when left home alone. Because of this, we think a suitable forever home for him would be with someone who is looking for a loving and loyal companion, perhaps someone who is retired or works from home. Once Mendes gets comfortable with you, he loves to be invited onto the couch to cuddle!

Mendes loves going on car rides and exploring new places. He can be very excited in new surroundings at first so training and patience will be required.

Adoption costs: $650.00