





Name: Feist
ID # A149292
Estimated Age: 1 year
Sex: Spayed Female
Estimated Breed: American Pit Bull Terrier Mix
Weight: 35.4lbs.
Good with Dogs: She shies away from the dog next door but I did see a video of her playing with another dog
Good with Cats: Unknown
Good with Children: OK with slow introduction but startles easy
Special/Medical Needs:
Estimated Energy Level: Unknown
Current Location: Edmonton, AB
Adoption Fee: $650

FEIST is high energy and loves constant attention with cuddles and loving.
I do not let her on the couch but when she is doing "zoomies" through the house she will bounce off of the couch in a split second.
She listens to "no" very well.
She loves her all her chew toys, especially the squeaky ones! She says chew sticks and lots of treats in general are a must. She likes me to play with her toys with her not just play with them by herself all the time and when she's in the mood will "fetch" toys.
She loves to chew everything!
When she gets really excited, she jumps and nips but is starting to settle down a bit quicker.
She can spot a rabbit a block away in the dark.
She did growl and lunge towards the neighbor when he came towards the fence but it was very dark out and she calmed down and came back to me right away when I called her.
She settles down in the crate better if I hang around in site for about 15 minutes just to let her know that I am not abandoning her.
She is ok to leave her in her crate if I have to go out for a short time, like about 1 or 2 hours.
She loves to lay down beside me with her head on my feet when I am watching tv.

She just rang the bell on the door to go out and she went potty! But sometimes she just goes to the door when she just wants to go for a walk LOL
Today, for the first time, she actually ran around in the snow and played a bit.

She would do best in a home that has someone around most of the day to spend time with her and give her lots of loving and play time she deserves.

Adoption costs: $650.00