





Name: Rope
ID # A152773
Estimated Age: 1 year, 1 month
Sex: Neutered Male
Estimated Breed: Chihuahua Mix
Weight: 25 lbs.
Good with Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Untested
Good with Children: Yes
Special/Medical Needs: No chicken or turkey based food
Estimated Energy Level: Medium/High
Current Location: Calgary, AB.
Adoption Fee: $650

Rope (or Jackson as I have taken to calling him) is just about the sweetest, happiest, most playful dog. Nothing gets him down. He is always happy and ready for anything. Being just over a year old - he still has a lot of puppy energy about him - floppy, bouncy and a lot of fun. While the first year of his life may not have been ideal, he doesn't seem to have any lasting trauma responses or resulting issues to work through. He adjusts well - he has already been camping and loved it. During this camping (RV trip) he met lots of people and dogs - he loved everyone and everyone loved him. Rope makes friends with everyone he meets. He is generous with the cuddles and the kisses - even with new friends.

Rope is still very much a puppy and as a result of no guidance in his first year, he is a little behind in his manners, but he seems to be more settled and easy going every day. Here are the highlights and some things we are working on:

Rope is a voracious eater! He gets a bit hangry - not in an angry way, but his puppy energy escalates when he is hungry. Once he plows through a meal he settles right back down. He does seem to have a negative GI response to food with chicken and turkey in it. I have not tested duck, so I am not sure it is a full poultry thing, but definitely chicken and turkey don't fair well in his belly. Easy enough to avoid.

Rope feels comfortable in his crate. He doesn't use it for comfort or escape, but he currently eats and sleeps in his crate and is crated when I am not home. He does not cry or bark while in his crate. He settles well.

Rope hasn't chewed on anything that he should not have. He enjoys a marrow bone, or a beefy chew, but does not go after furniture or shoes or anything that he shouldn't.

Rope is great with dogs and kids. He does need proper introductions to dogs. Even though he desperately wants to meet and be friends with everyone, the pack order is very important to him and as a result, he needs proper introductions. Once established, it is all good. He does have that puppy energy that is a bit much for SUPER chill dogs (like my little chihuahua), but he is easy enough to redirect and it really isn't an issue. Rope has not met a person he didn't love immediately - including small children. We have not come across a cat yet, so it remains untested.

Rope doesn't really make much noise - barking or whining, and doesn't show signs of separation anxiety. A quick little whine to show his sadness at me leaving is all that happens.

Rope is the biggest cuddler. He always wants to give and receive affection. He loves everyone so much. He can get a little jealous when affection is being given to other dogs, but it does not show with aggression, only in him being a little more insistent in getting in your lap as well.

House Trained. Aside from some initial marking, Rope hasn't done his business in my house. He did mark again in the RV. I believe he has the basics down and with a bit more time of being consistent with taking him out and rewards, it will be a sure thing with high confidence.

Car rides: Rope is not afraid of car rides nor does he make a big fuss. As always, he would rather be right next to you, so some sort of belting in would be good for everyone's safety.

Walks: We walk a lot in this house. Rope loves his sniffing opportunities. His inexperience with walking on a leash is pretty evident. He gets excited and pulls a bit and does a good amount of zig zagging. Since he is only 25 lbs it is manageable. He is also doing better with it every day as we talk about manners and have good rewards. He is not reactive to dogs or people out on walks, with the exception of just wanting to be friends with everyone!

This little guy is just so special. I can not wait to see someone fall in love with him.

Adoption costs: $650.00