





Name: Midway
ID # A152885
Estimated Age: 1 year, 1 months
Sex: Spayed Female
Estimated Breed: Pit Bull Terrier Mix
Weight: 58.8 lbs.
Good with Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Untested
Good with Children: Yes
Special/Medical Needs:
Estimated Energy Level: Medium/High
Current Location: Bragg Creek, AB.
Adoption Fee: $650

Meet Midway! My daughter insists she prefers Molly so that’s what we have been calling her here. If you’re reading this you’re probably looking for a new best friend and hey, so is she! She is eager to call you hers and we are confident she’ll make someone extremely happy if they give her the chance.

Molly is a people pleaser but she seems to have a bit of a past and finds men a bit intimidating and will move slowly around them at first, but as soon as they give her a good scratch and a kind word she warms up very quickly. A treat will win her over every time!

Molly is approximately a year old and has some big puppy energy but after a good play or walk she’s ready to give snuggles or settle into a long nap. She has a funny, quirky personality and is SO sweet. She melts into your hands and leans against your legs for all of the good girl scratches. She does very well with meeting other dogs and instantly hit it off with our resident dog. She has an easy going personality and knows when to tone down the energy to match the dog she’s with.

Molly LOVES kids. She looks at our 4 year old daughter like she hangs the moon. She follows her around giving kisses and encouraging her to play although because she’s basically just a pup she doesn’t always realize her size and could easily knock over toddlers.

Molly has good leash walking skills - she pulls at first but corrects easily and after the initial excitement is over she walks loosely beside you. She has pretty good recall - treats really speak to this girls soul and training to meet your needs really shouldn’t be too hard.

This girl is awesome in the car, she lays down pretty instantly and doesn’t make a peep for the ride. Molly is not a barker, we have heard only a few barks when there was something really worth telling us about outside.

A huge perk of Molly’s is that she’s fully bathroom trained and crate trained! She sleeps soundlessly in her crate every night and has no problem spending time in it when we need to run out. We also place her in her crate during dinner time as she can be a mooch! She needs some manners when it comes to begging.

Come meet this loving, joy filled girl and give her a chance at a great life. She certainly deserves it.

Adoption costs: $650.00