


Giddy Up



Name: Giddy Up
ID # A151874
Estimated Age: 1 year, 2 months
Sex: Neutered Male
Estimated Breed: Chihuahua Mix
Weight: 9.8 lbs.
Good with Dogs: Yes, with slow introduction
Good with Cats: Loves to chase cats
Good with Children: Only 10+ not good with small children
Special/Medical Needs:
Estimated Energy Level: Medium
Current Location: Edmonton, AB.
Adoption Fee: $650

Do they bark? So far only at the cats
Are they house-trained? Working on perfecting
Are they good in the car? Yes
Are they good on a leash? Yes

Giddy Up is an approximately 1 year old sweet little Chihuahua mix boy, under 10 lbs. He is extremely smart and watches your every word when you speak. He is the cuddliest little guy you’ve ever met and has the goal of pleasing his humans. Although he is almost completely housetrained and understands the reason for “go outside” he hasn’t mastered how to cue when he needs out, but it’s something we are working on. He understands “wait” “stay”, “outside” but hasn’t a clue what “sit” means. I have no doubt he’ll learn it fast with some work.

Giddy Up has had his own room while we fostered him, and hasn’t had one accident overnight. We put him to bed at 10pm and we get him up around 7am, and his room is clean in the morning. He even stays in his bed when we open the door until we tell him it’s time to get up. He’s never cried or barked while in his room, he seems to understand bedtime. Because he has a room, we have never used the crate for him, so we don’t know how he would react in one.

Giddy Up is a low active dog, who prefers to be snuggled up in his bed or beside you on the couch, but does enjoy play time. We are working on fetch, but his favourite is anything that squeaks! He really enjoys bones he can chew on, and has never chewed anything that wasn’t meant for him. He has engaged in some play with our pug, but prefers a human connection more……. Unless you’re a cat! Boy howdy does he ever love chasing the cats! He’s not aggressive with them, but he loves how they scrabble to flee when he taps his little feet at them. Even a good slap on the nose doesn’t get him second guessing what he thinks is fun (the cats are not amused!) Giddy Up would do well with a cat friend as long as he had some work to stop chasing and a confident feline who wouldn’t put up with his shenanigans.

It has taken quite a while for Giddy Up to adjust to our pugs, he was very nervous about them for a while. Now he runs with the pack without issue. I would recommend slow introductions with other dogs, especially if they are bigger than him. This mighty Chihuahua has no fear of showing his emotions and will growl when feeling unsafe. He doesn’t require a dog friend, and I think he’d be happiest being the only dog so he can have all the attention from his humans.

Giddy Up has also had a 13 year old member of his foster family, and he really likes her. She cuddles and spoils him just right. She can take him on walks, and he walks and watches her feet to make sure he’s keeping on track (he’s had someone do some amazing leash training with him) and she seems to be just the right size for him. We are fortunate enough to have our 4 year old granddaughter 5 days a week while her mom is at work. We have been working on his manners with little ones. Giddy Up is not a fan of little kids, as he doesn’t like how quickly they move or how unpredictable they are. He tends to growl, bark and be reactive when around littles, but we have found with some work, he eventually learns to be less scared and behaves around her better. I still do not recommend a home with small children, as he still is showing that he doesn’t feel comfortable around littles and for his safety and theirs, any home must have older children or no kids.

This little dog has been an absolutely wonderful little house guest and we love him to bits. We can’t wait to find him the perfect home, because we know this good boy deserves the best. When he finds his perfect home, he will be coming with his dog bed so he has that security of an item that’s his. I hope Giddy up has come along way since he’s been here. He used to show some food aggression when he first came, but he now has learned that no one is going to fight for food, water or toys and is now much more confident with others being around his things. He’s even learned that sharing isn’t so bad. I knew it was a win when he enjoyed a drink with our pug at the same time. Giddy Up loves to give up a belly for a good rub and isn’t shy about letting you know that he wants pets and attention. He has never barked when anyone comes in the door. He will not be a ferocious protector of your home, but will most likely welcome everyone with some kisses.

Adoption costs: $650.00