



Available for Adoption


Name: O'Hara
ID # A153460
Estimated Age: July 10, 2018
Sex: Spayed Female
Estimated Breed: Chihuahua Mix
Weight: 6.8 lbs.
Good with Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Unknown
Good with Children: Yes
Special/Medical Needs:
Estimated Energy Level: Medium
Current Location: Calgary, AB.
Adoption Fee: $650


O’Hara is just about the sweetest little lady ever. She loves her humans and it is quite possible she is made of Velcro. O’Hara is happy and caring and wants to love and be loved.

O’Hara has had some tough years leading up to her trip to Calgary and as a result, she is a bit behind in some of her socialization and manners, but she seems to be settling in and is more easy going every day. Here are some of the highlights and some of the things we are working on:

O’Hara came in pretty underweight, but she has gained a pound and a bit in the past week – she certainly digs in at meal time. She isn’t particularly into seafood and avoids it in her bowl, but otherwise is a good eater.

O’Hara is feeling more and more comfortable in her crate. She doesn’t go in there for comfort and needs to be placed in there at bedtime or when I go out, but she does not make a sound once she is in there. I do cover her crate to help settle her.

O’Hara has a slight spicy streak and is a little reactive with certain dogs. She is great with my dog, the spiciness just comes out on our walks. However, she is responding well to redirection, and I think this issue will go away with a bit more time and consistency. It is also quite slight, and not aggressive - it is more fear and competitive based, which is easing up as she feels more safe, confident, and stable.

O’Hara has a very slight cherry eye that she is getting drops for and it has shrunk noticeably already. It should be a non-issue soon. O’Hara also has a slightly inflamed vulva, which we are treating with an antibiotic wash and it too has shrunk noticeably. She had a noticeable skin issue coming from California to here, but a soothing bath and some good fish oils have made her skin and coat so soft and she is no longer itching.

O’Hara hasn’t chewed on anything she wasn’t supposed to. The notion of treats is foreign to her but she is catching on quickly and is enjoying a chew stick!

O’Hara isn’t excessively vocal. She has the cutest AHROOOO when she is excited to go out for a walk. Some mild barking when she can hear people outside my door (I live in a condo), but that seems to be settling down as she feels more comfortable, confident and safe. No begging or whining.

O’Hara does have slight separation anxiety. Only slight. And as many of the behaviors noted here, it was more pronounced those first few days and seems to have calmed down to almost nothing.

O’Hara is good with people and children. We just had Thanksgiving dinner with 16 people from 6 to 80 years of age and 3 dogs and she was looking for love and lap time from every one of them.

O'Hara's love language is the french kiss. She is free with the kisses and I love that about her.

O’Hara is just fine with car rides. As always, she would always rather be right beside you, so some sort of belting in would be good for everyone’s safety.

House trained. O’Hara came here completely not housetrained. I think the strides she has made are incredible. With a little more time and consistency, she will really get it with high confidence.

O’Hara is great on walks. She loves her sniffing opportunities and behaves quite well. We walk a lot in this house and she has never given up and asked to be carried. She is a real trooper!

O’Hara is really such a sweet and likable little lady. I can’t wait to see someone fall as madly in love with her as I have.

If you are interested in meeting this dog, please fill out an application.

Adopt Me!

Adoption costs: $650.00