Name: Stevie
ID # RT20241005-2F
Estimated Age: October 1, 2024
Sex: Female
Estimated Breed: Shepherd Mix
Weight: 30 lbs.
Good with Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Unknown, but likely
Good with Children: Unknown, but likely
Special/Medical Needs:
Estimated Energy Level: Puppy
Current Location: Calgary, AB.
Adoption Fee: $725
She is a spunky curious little puppy. She is very active like most puppies. She romps around the house with our dog Moka, whom Stevie thinks is her surrogate mother.
Stevie goes for short walks in the neighborhood. If she's tired, she sits on my feet asking to be carried. Stevie has gone on long car rides and just curls up on the floor on a blanket.
She has done well with two other adult dogs in the house. She hasn't met any cats. Im sure she'll be great with kids, as long as they understand she'll nibble their fingers.
She's still learning to go outside to do her business. It's best to pick her up when she wakes up and just after she eats and put her outside. We're working on her using a bell on the door to let us know.
When she's tired, she'll crawl into my lap to cuddle and go to sleep. She sleeps for around 6 to 7 hours at night before waking to go outside. Pretty good for a young pup.
She has been in her crate during the day for up to three hours. She protests at first but is resigned to it.