



Available for Adoption


Name: Cherry
ID # RT20250117-5
Estimated Age: 9 months
Sex: Spayed Female
Estimated Breed: Lab/Husky/Collie Mix
Weight: 27.3 kgs.
Good with Dogs: Yes
Good with Cats: Yes
Good with Children: Yes
Special/Medical Needs:
Estimated Energy Level: Medium
Current Location: Airdrie, AB.
Adoption Fee: $725

Cherry is 9 months old and the best girl!

Cherry is happy go lucky and likes hanging out all day. She is a very mellow girl so she is just happy doing whatever you want. She likes her crate and will often just go in and have her naps there. She also likes to lounge on the couch and doesn’t always wait for an invitation. She is very good at letting us know when she has to go to the bathroom. She will either howl in her crate or knock on the back door. Cherry’s bathroom habits are very predictable so no accidents necessary.

Cherry is very respectful of our cat and although curious, does not approach her but would love to be her friend. Cherry loves everybody and is always respectful. I have never seen Cherry fearful or reactive to any situation. She especially loves kids. We are teaching Cherry how to play fetch and she enjoys the interaction.

Cherry is very good on her leash and good in the bath. Cherry sleeps through the night in her crate and is busy learning commands. She does a lovely sit but we are working on stay and come. A quick correction is all she ever needs. Although she hasn’t been successful, if given the opportunity she will enjoy your dinner if left within reach. My observation is Cherry will match your energy, if you are in a couch potato mood so is she, if you want to play and be goofy so will she.

Cherry is a very healthy beautiful girl with the most luxurious soft snugglable coat. I am boggled about this but she barely sheds so not much clean up required. The only thing I have found that Cherry is hesitant about is getting in the car so she requires a little boost. I am sure that will change once she starts going places that are fun! Cherry has no medical issues and has been spayed, vaccinated and microchipped and is very ready to find a permanent family. Although we will miss Cherry, we are very excited for her to find her family!

Cherry is the most amazing dog and is going to be adopted quickly, so don’t wait to get in your application! Cherry will fit into any home, but I think she would really enjoy a family with children.

If you are interested in meeting this dog, please fill out an application.

Adopt Me!

Adoption costs: $725.00